What are you spraying for?
To kill weeds and pests, of course. To boost your yield, naturally. To make more money.
What are you spraying with? Mostly water. The rest is pesticide or herbicide, to kill the weeds, the pests.
Typical spray water is hard, alkaline, loaded with solids and impurities. It undermines your application, lowers your yield and can damage your plants. AMS and pH buffers don’t completely solve that problem.
Blue Max is pure and simple.
Blue Max delivers a pure and simple answer to spray application efficacy.
Pure because it removes all the hardness, alkalinity and impurities. The result is pure water, with the perfect pH (between 3 and 4) for maximum uptake and translocation. Your application hits its target and covers everything. Blue Max is safe for the crop, too.
Simple because you never have to mix or carry jugs, totes or bags. Just load and go.
Blue Max maximizes on-target spray coverage, achieves faster and longer leaf penetration and translocation, minimizes driftable spray fines, resulting in the most effective performance.
Blue Max delivers purer water for maximum spray performance and higher yields.
By The Numbers
Blue Max is produced by first treating water with state-of-the-art technology. This deionized water has no impurities that can neutralize or reduce the effectiveness of your chemicals. This is the foundation of high performance that Blue Max provides.
The bottle on the left contains distilled water with zero hardness; the bottle on the right contains hard water. A material that mimics glyphosate is added to both bottles of water. Notice that the water on the left remains clear, indicating the added product is in solution. The water on the right is cloudy, indicating that the calcium has bound to the glyphosate mimic.
pH is critical. A pH between 3 and 4 maximizes the uptake and translocation of the chemicals you apply. Only Blue Max – because the water is so pure to begin with – can deliver that optimum pH level. Other products claim they’ll change the pH of your spray but, since the added chemicals are buffered by impurities in the water itself, they can’t get the pH down low enough. Typical water sources have a pH between 7 and 8.5, and products containing ammonium sulfate can only lower that by about 1 point – still far above the target of between 3 and 4.
Blue Max contains the best technology available for maximizing coverage of the target plants, no matter what nozzle you select. This puts the spray right where you aim it, and it sticks there. It also increases drying time, allowing chemicals more time to work before evaporating.
Why is Blue Max
We make Blue Max
blue so it’s easier
to see the water level
in the tank. And
anytime you see a
tank full of blue water,
you’ll know it’s the
right stuff.
Oregon State University Research
The Impact of Water Quality on Pesticide Performance
Purdue University
Water Quality in the Spray Tank Fred Whitford, Purdue University Farm Journal AgWeb Corn College